Virtual Event Sponsorship Ideas for Your Next Event

In 2021, virtual event is nothing new. There should be no question mark to accept the fact of the virtual event becoming a widespread phenomenon. It is happening now and then, just open your device, and you don’t even need to scroll much to find an ongoing online event.

Now even though the online event is commonly happening, it is actually not a piece of cake to organise or arrange a virtual event. Event organisers need to go and grab multiple tactics to make their event successful. Getting sponsorship for an event works as one of the most viable marketing strategies to reach the road to success. To meet marketing goals, sponsors can play a crucial role.

Virtual event sponsorship ideas for your next event

Indeed, every organiser wants to grow their organisation or business and to make it happen; they need sponsors. But in return, what should you do for your sponsors? What is your package for them? When a sponsor brand has so many opportunities left, why should they choose you to sponsor your event? You must convey to your sponsors how your event can be favourable to them.

It is time to get some fresh, inspiring ideas that you can offer to your next sponsor!

Virtual booth space

There should be no worry about a physical booth when you get the option of creating a virtual sponsor booth. This space will let your sponsor get in front of the attendees and discuss its content with them. It opens the room for communication among the sponsors and attendees during live streaming events. Audiences are also free to browse any option they like that the sponsor provides.

Include branding on promotional materials

From registration form to event page, ticketing, advertising in each and every event promotional material, you can print your sponsor’s brand name, banner, or logo. Also, make it clear to your audiences that who are the sponsors and what their service is.

Sponsored content session

Arranging a content session is one of the perfect ways to get your sponsors involved with your attendees. It can be effective to drive a business as it allows your sponsor to host a session. Along with the hosting, sponsors can show a demo of their products, explain how they work, create a presentation room to showcase the contents. Even in an online event, it is much easier for a sponsor to track audience engagement and attendance.

Sponsorship web page

You can provide a space for your sponsor to your virtual event’s website page. To meet the target audience, you can showcase your sponsor’s mission, products, messages and other content. Either you can create a widget for your sponsor and place it on any side of your webpage, or you can attach the link.

Promotion on social media

To reach bigger audiences, you often promote your event page and details on the social media platform. You can also add your sponsor’s details with the promotional event page or announce a shout out for the sponsor brand along with your social media posts.

E-mail promotion

E-mail promotion is one good way to maximise virtual sponsor visibility. You can place your sponsor’s logo and e-mail address at the bottom of your e-mail invitation, or you can also mention the special offer, exclusive content and products that your sponsor is offering.

Sponsored brands video or commercials

Before starting virtual live events or during a break, you can showcase your sponsor brands through prerecorded videos, commercials, or pop-up ads. Thirty seconds to a 1-minute-long video can be presented to convey your sponsors’ message to the audience.

Virtual event speaker

In many virtual live events, we see the organisers keep a speaker session. You can choose a speaker from your sponsoring organisation. It will create the chance to interact with the audiences by directly answering their queries. Even any speaker session works to reduce monotonousness and make an event more engaging.

Plan for audience engagement and icebreaking session

To boost audience engagement, you can use your sponsorship by arranging some event games. As audiences enjoy fun activities or engaging sessions, it would be easier to get total exposure and attention towards the sponsoring content. Collaboration activities such as poll sessions, Q/A sessions, quizzes, challenges and many other icebreaking activities help to get more interaction between sponsoring brand and audiences.

Utilising virtual break hour

Sponsors of an event can take the chance of a break session of a live virtual event. Such as a sponsor can organise a sponsored meal or drinks along with a non-alcoholic option. Even the attendees of different cities can get the discount code or coupon from the sponsoring brand.

Sponsorship- does it only put financial assistance or more?

If you ask anyone to understand how sponsorship is beneficial and why one event need sponsors? The possible answer will be to get funding for the event. Yes, sponsorship help to defray costs, but besides cash, it offers many other benefits to assist you in reaching a targeted niche market and growing your business or organisation.

Let’s explore some of the offerings of a sponsor.

A bigger platform:

Sponsorship comes up with a bigger name and a bigger audience. Along with your audiences, your sponsor will bring its audiences to your event. Primarily, the sponsor and event organiser belong to the same or relative industry, making it easier to reach the same target audiences.


If you want your business or organisation to lead on branding, getting a sponsor is a great option. With or without financial funding, a sponsor can boost your event’s brand awareness in various ways.

Increase reliability:

People attend those live streaming events or online events which they find reliable. When you are putting your sponsors brand logo on your event page, it enhances the reliability factor. That relatively lead to higher audience engagement.

Market value:

Your sponsor’s brand logo not only maximise the audience number; it also adds its market value and credibility to your event. Obviously, every business or organisation want to become a reputable group and having a sponsor make that impression.

Website traffic:

A sponsor brings more credibility, more sales, more audience, and a flood of traffic to your website. You can employ and make the most of it by upgrading your site and making it user friendly.

Sponsorship is a key to powerful marketing. As sponsorship is also business, your sponsors definitely look for something in return. What the sponsor’s want is to be associated with the event. So you have to show outstanding proposals and advantages to prove why your event would be worth getting the sponsorship.

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