How to Live Stream Successfully: Complete Guide for Event Hosts

We all have experienced the booming era of live streaming for quite a long way, and the situation is still at its high peak, meanwhile widening the space even more. It’s no longer limited to the action of celebrities, showing the sneak peek of their upcoming movie set or sharing some ‘behind the scene’ moments of their preparation for the big release.

These days, a diverse range of professionals are taking the road toward the live stream. For example, when expert marketers or big brands are going live to capture maximum eyeballs on their new product launching event, media producers might be arranging late-night live talk show programs to interact with the viewers on the spot.

Still, thinking, why will someone deep dive to take the extra bother to live stream? The cause is crystal clear; this is the platform where their maximum audiences will be.

Live streaming- a digital alternative to broadcast your event

The level of interaction and engagement a live streaming event offers is definitely one cause of the popularity, so as for enlarging the feeling of excitement and unpredictability among the audiences since they never know what will happen next. We all are aware of the effectiveness of visuals than any other communication form, which is high. Even when you will live stream your virtual events, be it for an online class, graduation program or virtual trade fair, you can reach people across the globe and raise the effectiveness of your online events.

Moreover, live streaming is not only beneficial for the event organizers; modern audiences prefer and appreciate this type of interaction as they get the feel of authenticity and build a transparent relationship with the brands, businesses or other platforms they can trust on.

Tips and checklist towards a successful live stream event

Think of that favourite broadcasting show you watch every weekend or wait for the ‘live’ notification. Why do you think that you don’t get bored of their live streaming events? Because of the way they maintain their program is what as an audience you want.

So now, if you are planning for a live virtual event, make sure that you do some homework to plan because, under such challenge and the extra pressure of a live environment, it is actually not easy to perform live as smoothly and consistently.

Pre-preparation checklist

Ensure that you just don’t click the live button in haste with zero pre-testing unless you want to lose your viewers.

⦾ Sort out your preferable platform:

Before fixing your targeted platform, know who are your audiences and what is your event category and depending on these determinants, you pick the right platform to get your preferred crowd. You have options of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Linked In or Twitter live and many other available platforms.

Even when you choose EventBookings as your virtual event platform, you can Livestream your online events ensuring high video quality in many social networks, including Facebook and YouTube.

⦾ Focus on your live streaming gears

Check the function of all your essential live streaming equipment’s. If you are using a laptop, you can attach an external camera for excellent quality. If you pick your mobile device, try using a tripod to maintain stability and a more professional vibe. Focus on your sound quality and always prepare spare headphones or ear pods, a backup battery and an extra camera if the other gears fail to perform amidst the event. Also, check out the space limits on your devices.

⦾ Fix other live streaming essentials

Except for the much-needed gears, other essentials such as internet connection, upload speed, lighting of your area, background are equally important. For example, suppose if you have poor internet speed, all your effort to gather all high tech gear will matter nothing unless you maintain a consistent internet connection. Also, for the surrounding noise and lighting impact, your audiences might lose interest if your video is not visible for the bad lighting or sun glare or full of noisy or busy surroundings.

⦾ Choose the apparent time

Obviously, you would not set your live stream time at late night or in the early morning. Consider your targeted audience type and try to predict the time when maximum will be online. Even for that, you can take suggestions from your viewers via making a poll to ensure their participation. Also, you need to keep in mind that you might get viewers from the different time zone, so always research before finalizing your schedule. 

⦾ Promote your Livestream event

Just the way we get excited to see movie teaser’s or other snip shot posts, for your live streaming events promotion, you can follow the same way by creating a teaser video for your upcoming event, except that you can either use memes or countdown in your social media account or open an event page to invite viewers to join and get the ‘live’ notification. For more professional events, go for email promotion.

⦾ Create a private stream to avoid missteps

Nothing beat the pre-checking but the demo stream testing in a real live environment. Do it in a private setting and allow some of you team members to find how all the system works in real-life condition. Check and double-check the audio and video quality, internet speed and work on using the backup plans to avoid all the possible missteps.

⬗ Tips for smooth and engaging processing

Once you are done with the pre-testing, you are set to press the ‘go live’ button and make yourself visible to your audiences.

⦿ Respond to your viewers live

Always be present in front of your camera and bring out real-life conversation etiquette by engaging your valuable audiences with tools. Try to keep a question-answer session where you can answer all the queries of your audiences in real-time. Also, during the live session, try to read out your audiences’ comments and reply to them back.

⦿ Watch the surroundings

To make your event as seamless and professional as possible, maintain a noise-free background in your setting. Suppose if you are at your home, let all others know the time you start your live stream. So that none of your family members interrupt. Because interruptions during the live time will not seem ideal for the viewers, this will show your reluctance and non-proficiency.

⦿ Share your ongoing Livestream

During your ongoing event session, you can request your attendees to share the virtual live events links to gather more crowd, since neither you have to deal with seating arrangements nor you will have to think of the snack shortage situation.

⦿ Monitor and record the event

Do monitor your live events online in the whole session to measure your audiences’ engagement and record the event so that you can share it on your social media page or other platforms for the one who missed, also for those who would like to watch over again.

⦿ Finally, don’t just end Livestream and leave

Don’t just turn your camera off once you are done with your live streaming content. Who wouldn’t love to hear ‘thank you’ and since your viewers put their valuable time to watch your live stream, they definitely deserve an appreciation for their support. Give them a heads up about your next event, and your show of appreciation will motivate them to join your next live virtual event.

Hence, a live stream is all about experiencing a real-time video, and some sorts of mishaps and missteps are certain, but by trying all these tips and following the checklists, you can at least try to turn the mistakes into the minimum.

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